November 15th • Friday  7:00-9:00pm
Ecstatic Dance event with light facilitation.
Open to all!

7:00-7:30 Arrival, Warm-up set & Welcome Circle 
7:30-9:00 Main set
COST: $20

Unleash Your Creativity

November 16 & 17th • Saturday 10:00-4:00 & Sunday 1:00-4:00
We will use movement, partner work, art and circle to explore our own unique creativity. 
No experience needed. Pre-registration required.

COST: $175 (Workshop only.)

COST: $200 (Includes Friday pm & Sunday am sessions.)
**Add amount yourself in payment.

November 17th
Sunday 10:00-12:00pm
An opportunity to explore your dance within a movement practice. This session will be facilitated, an introduction to the 5Rhythms practice.

Please arrive on time to begin at 10:00.

 Open to all!
COST: $20

What is Conscious Dance?

Conscious dance is a form of movement and self-expression that goes beyond just physical exercise or entertainment. It is a practice that combines elements of dance, mindfulness, creativity and personal exploration to support physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Conscious Dance is an embodiment practice, a moving meditation and often a community: An awareness building, creative, guided, therapeutic, free-style dance and movement space for all bodies.

​A space for you to do your dance as only you can. 

The intention is conscious embodiment, by means of dancing. There is no getting it wrong or right as there are no steps to follow. Can be done in a group setting or alone, online, indoors or outdoors. It can be a creative outlet, a place to tune into spirituality and a space for connection, with self, with the other and with community. 

Dancers are invited to notice, listen and follow their own response to the music, while tuning into ​the guidance of the facilitator and the energy of the group. Dancing freely, while being held, offers participants both insight & release.In the dance, what is living inside of us has room to be seen, explored and released. 

Self-regulation and co-regulation happening again and again. 

Our bodies hold our life's experiences and our physical expressions can be a way to navigate and understand the wholeness of our being. 

All are welcome to join, regardless of physical ability, age or experience.