Conscious dance is a form of movement and self-expression that goes beyond just physical exercise or entertainment.

It is a practice that combines elements of dance, mindfulness, creativity and personal exploration to support physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

​It can be lightly facilitated or guided with great intention to build deep awareness & inquiry.

Conscious Dance is an embodiment practice, a moving meditation and often a community:  
 An awareness building, creative, guided, therapeutic, free-style dance and movement space for all bodies.

​A space for you to do your dance as only you can. 

There are a variety of styles and approaches to Conscious Dance, with many being inspired by Gabrielle Roth's work of the 5Rhythms, each with its own philosophy and practices.  

Usually practiced to an eclectic range of music with the DJ/Facilitator
creating curated sets or working with the gift of live musicians.

The intention is conscious embodiment, by means of dancing.
There is no getting it wrong or right as there are no steps to follow.
Can be done in a group setting or alone, online, indoors or outdoors.

It can be a creative outlet, a place to tune into spirituality and a space for connection,
​with self, with the other and with community. 

Dancers are invited to notice, listen and follow their own response to the music,
while tuning into ​the guidance of the facilitator and the energy of the group. 

Dancing freely, while being held, offers participants both insight & release.
In the dance, what is living inside of us has room to be seen, explored and released. 

Self-regulation and co-regulation happening again and again. 

Our bodies hold our life's experiences and our physical expressions can be a way to
navigate and understand the wholeness of our being. 

All are welcome to join, regardless of physical ability, age or experience. 

**Both Conscious and Ecstatic Dance are forms of movement practices that encourage self-expression, emotional release, and mindfulness through dance, and they differ in a variety of ways.

Conscious Dance, encompasses a range of movement practices that prioritize mindfulness, self-awareness, and personal growth through dance. Participants are invited to move intentionally, paying attention to their sensations, emotions, and thoughts, often with a therapeutic or healing focus. Practices like 5Rhythms, Open Floor, the 360, and Movement Medicine fall into this category. In these sessions, teachers or facilitators may guide participants with specific movement exercises or verbal prompts to help deepen their awareness. Some conscious dance practices also emphasize community and social connection, incorporating group exercises, partner dances, or reflective sharing as part of the experience.

Ecstatic Dance, on the other hand, centres on reaching a state of flow, euphoria, or trance through uninhibited, free movement. The aim is often to lose oneself in the music and achieve a heightened state of consciousness. Unlike conscious dance, Ecstatic Dance focuses less on intentional movement and more on surrendering to the rhythm and energy of the moment. It is typically freeform, with little to no verbal guidance, and places a strong emphasis on individual expression. While there may be a sense of community, the experience is largely personal, with participants encouraged to focus inward. Partner or group activities are uncommon in this practice.

"Dancing the 5Rhythms is a practice—a dynamic way to both workout and to meditate in the same breath.
​They teach us that life is energy in motion, freeing us from any fixed notions about people, places, objects or ideas."

-Gabrielle Roth Creator of the 5Rhythms

  • Dance Temple

    Dance Temple is a community gathering to tune in, join in, celebrate, meditate and unwind! 

    Dance Temple is the heartbeat and core of a larger cultural transformation, providing a place for people to get real, express their sovereignty and cultivate trust within themselves and in community.

    Region by region, Dance Temple upholds a devotion to creating inclusive, safer spaces for all walks of life to gather, to dance to great music and to move through whatever is alive for them in a non-verbal space. As well as being a central hub for conscious dance in each area, the Dance Temples hold a shared vision to be a sanctuary for embracing authenticity and sacred expression and provide a central gathering place for communities to unite, express and celebrate.

  • 5Rhythms

    5Rhythms is a movement meditation practice created by Gabrielle Roth in the late 1970s. It is a dynamic and improvisational approach to dance and movement that is designed to help individuals explore and express themselves through movement.

    The practice is based on the idea that there are five primary rhythms or energies that underlie all human emotions and movement. Practitioners of 5Rhythms use these five rhythms as a framework for exploring and expressing their emotions, thoughts, and inner experiences through movement. The practice is often done in a group setting with music, and participants are encouraged to let go of self-judgment and allow their bodies to move intuitively in response to the music and the rhythms.

    5Rhythms is not a performance-based dance, and there are no specific steps or choreography to follow. It's about personal exploration, self-discovery, and self-expression through movement.

    The practice is open to people of all ages and physical abilities and can be a powerful tool for personal growth, stress relief, and creative expression.

  • Dance Your Ability

    Dance Your Ability Therapeutic Movement Foundation, founded by Shauna Devlin, stands for the rights of all to have access to collective joy, a sense of belonging in community, self-expression, kindness and the healing that comes from movement & music. We believe that one of the best ways to provide this is through dance. We aim to continue to train people who are passionate about the benefits of dance and the joy of service, so that they may offer classes for people of all walks of life to experience themselves in freedom & joy no matter their circumstances. 

    Our vision is a world where everyone has access to experience joy and freedom in their bodies with their own unique dance, while being a part of the group: unique & unified. We aim to provide outreach movement & dance programs for all abilities & ages, creating spaces where everyone is free to dance their dance and experience feeling unified with the group.